🍑 Georgia Votes

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District RVs Votes Mail (A) Mail (V) Early (V) % of '22
GA-1 575,307 40,297 5,023 4,105 36,192 29.3%
GA-2 532,761 39,756 5,156 4,037 35,719 31.3%
GA-3 599,631 41,760 4,479 3,640 38,120 25.9%
GA-4 517,595 30,113 3,179 2,372 27,741 28.5%
GA-5 620,877 33,351 3,630 2,313 31,038 28.5%
GA-6 492,573 42,150 3,487 2,517 39,633 38.4%
GA-7 581,930 38,264 3,952 2,843 35,421 25.3%
GA-8 530,205 45,090 4,337 3,429 41,661 32.9%
GA-9 567,934 50,541 5,148 4,222 46,319 35.3%
GA-10 585,807 46,858 5,009 4,090 42,768 29.2%
GA-11 629,212 31,741 4,720 3,565 28,176 18.8%
GA-12 544,031 42,307 5,019 4,153 38,154 29.8%
GA-13 609,194 40,591 4,010 3,114 37,477 30.0%
GA-14 553,739 39,609 3,948 3,269 36,340 27.9%
District Mail In-Person % of '22
GA-1 4,105 36,192 29.3%
GA-2 4,037 35,719 31.3%
GA-3 3,640 38,120 25.9%
GA-4 2,372 27,741 28.5%
GA-5 2,313 31,038 28.5%
GA-6 2,517 39,633 38.4%
GA-7 2,843 35,421 25.3%
GA-8 3,429 41,661 32.9%
GA-9 4,222 46,319 35.3%
GA-10 4,090 42,768 29.2%
GA-11 3,565 28,176 18.8%
GA-12 4,153 38,154 29.8%
GA-13 3,114 37,477 30.0%
GA-14 3,269 36,340 27.9%